
Out of context: Reply #70689

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  • mg337

    Today begins my daytime news blackout. I was constantly reading news and Twitter and updates and anything I could find last week, while trying to work and manage our kids at home.

    Gotta change that massively this week or I'll go insane.

    Trying to narrow my mind a bit around "it's bad out there and it's getting worse, but my family and I are doing the right thing, staying isolated," and trying to just shift focus away from the intense worry I have if I spend too much time reading news.

    • This is a sensible approach. Our instinct for self-preservation wants us to obsess and prepare, but to what end? It's not aware of the indirect harm that causesSteveJobs
    • All COVID news comes in around the same time each day. Typically mid-day local time. For the day's most critical, check around 3 or 4pm, local. You'll be fine.nb
    • @mg33 stay safe & healthy! take care of the fam, as you are!Krassy

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