Lucid Dreaming

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • nb0

    I did it for about six months when I was 14. Every single time I slept, without effort. I didn't even know what it was. I tried to explain to my parents and they looked at me like I was insane. I probably wasn't good at explaining, internet wasn't common yet, and none of us had ever even heard the term lucid dreaming.

    Later in life I've tried to get it back a few times, but only once have I come close: the waking within feeling, but without the control.

    I wish I could get it back! One of my favorite things, ever. It's like living in the Inception movie.

    • try sleep inducing medicationsethered
    • Nah. If I'm going to take drugs to do this I'll just take hallucinogens thank you very much.nb
    • doesnt work. no wonder you cant get close.ethered

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