Shitty agency behaviour

Out of context: Reply #1

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  • Projectile1

    I was working for a company, and someone in marketing had contacted an agency, who sent some design samples. They chose one, and it got signed off all the way to the top.

    They then sent the artwork to the in-house team (me) and asked for it to be adapted into various formats. The image was watermarked, and so we had to buy it off Getty. Contacted them, and they wanted £8,000 for the image! And that's not even for exclusive rights!

    Basically, on top of being paid to do the initial design concepts, the agency put the chosen image on Getty and were selling it for an insane amount, knowing it had been signed off. Total dick move, but I have to say I did admire the brains and balls! And it's not like I was working for a charity, they were cunts.

    Oh and the image wasn't even high res! They literally took a 1080p image and scaled it up in Photoshop!!

    • Did the client specifically ask for a photo from Getty ?
      It happens often.
    • sorry, was unclear. The image used in the design was quite specific, so it had to be that imageProjectile

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