
Out of context: Reply #208

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  • PhanLo4

    Was in the main hospital in my city today for some tests. I'm in good health, but chatting with some of the elderly patients waiting with me, they were pretty scared, they were basically saying if they got the virus it would be game over.
    My sister goes for dialysis in a smaller hospital where all the Corona cases here are being taken and she's also worried about contamination.
    It's only a short walk from my home too. Kindo mad times.
    Props to the NHS though, I had a CT scan, MRI, ECG and multiple blood tests and it cost £3 on parking.

    • We are not aware of the luck we have in Europe of getting global healthcare... Take my taxes!OBBTKN
    • Hope you're well mate!OBBTKN
    • PhanLo, did you need the tests to test for something specific or did you just request a full healthcheck from GP?microkorg
    • @microkorg The tests were to see if I was a match for kidney donation, my sister had both kidneys fail last year. So far it's looking good for a transplant.PhanLo
    • Hope ur sister gets well quick.Beeswax
    • Oh fuck you, PhanLo. You're an insanely-talented artist, have great taste, are a nice guy and now you're donating a kidney to your sister? Seriously, fuck off.Nairn

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