
Out of context: Reply #50

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    I was given a pair of these (Bose Noise Cancelling 700) for Christmas:

    They're OK, though they're nothing I would have bought on my own; I'm much more of a Sennheiser guy.

    • Barely anything from the outside world leaks through, so NC is very good;

    • They're not all that great on the bottom end, they're much more pronounced in the mids, and everything sounds a bit tinny;

    • They're fucking heavy, and tend to simply fall off when you're horizontal (bench pressing at the gym, for example).

    • Also:
      The touch controls are fucking fiddly and inaccurate. Yuck.
    • I bought these AND the Sonys, and I returned these. The Sonys killed them in every category besides maybe physical design appeal. Maybemonospaced

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