Kanye West is Dead

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  • grafician-9

    sorry, he's not

    but without all this social media and stuff around him, can you say he is more different than say David Bowie? Or Jay?

    try to look past all this stuff happening, people going nuts, he is just a talented man doing his thing - be it Grammy albums or sunday service or whatever, the man raises a family, he is doing what he likes, probably has same problems we're having, but I do not take Kanye for a mad man or whatever

    thru all this b^shit, he is still an artist to be admired, I give him that

    so can we please stop with all this hating...

    • I don't recall Bowie saying he was the greatest ever...Kanye is all ego, talented is subjectiveformed
    • you're missing the point - an artist willing to change that fast with each new piece of work released...grafician
    • I see a troubled, ego-maniac. The "talent" part is subjective. There's already an appropriate thread for this...formed
    • he is really not that talented, above average at best...utopian
    • ^^ maybe the reason for the "changes" is cause he's not figured anything out yet. every new piece seems to be worse than the one before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯scruffics
    • The changes are signs of an unstable self. Disconnected from reality he doesn’t know who he is and has gone off the deep end. Total marketing gimmick.monospaced
    • Yeah dude he is the bomb. You are right.grafiske
    • ditto @Total marketing gimmick. Same with everything popular.helloeatbreathedrive

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