Out of context: Reply #307

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  • kingsteven3

    Jaysus, the bastards just charged me £119 for an Adobe Xd subscription on an account i haven't used in 5 years... not even an email to say it was coming.

    What the fuck even is Xd? Had to recover the password, log in, now trying to get customer service to reverse it. Madness.

    • That's basically stealing :))grafician
    • got them to cancel by showing them i had full CC subscription on another account. i can't think how that happened, i don't even have Xd installed!kingsteven
    • An unused, 5 year old account had a valid CC on file?ETM
    • Even weirder is that for years XD (and Bridge) have been free if you're not paying for a sub.evilpeacock
    • recently they made XD paid so they will charge, close up any account you used in the pastgrafician
    • @evil XD was in beta for free and now they activated the payments for that toografician
    • also beware, you can't save and open local files anymore, basically if you don't pay adobe, you can't access your XD projects in the cloud nowgrafician
    • hah yeah ETM, expires later this year. Had CC on that account but switched to work account 5 years ago... that explains it with XD then. Feckin' cowboys Ted.kingsteven
    • They're breaking their own revenue record every year. 12B last year. They need money to put bread on the table y'know.Bennn
    • Figures. I missed any communications on XD going paid, but expected it eventually. I never set it up on a free account anyway.evilpeacock
    • there is no more free with Adobe! they want a CC on file with any new "free" accountgrafician
    • You most definitely save and open files locally...Gucci

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