
Out of context: Reply #70442

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  • eryx6

    @ grafician

    I was 33 when I decided to switch carriers. In my late 20s and early 30s I put all my effort into becoming a really good Actionscript guy in Toronto. I had some good clients and did some really great work and thought I was pretty safe because it was kind of specialized. Well we all know what happened with flash so I tried to work with Flex for a while and ended up moving back home (we had a lot of dept and it was only getting worse)

    Nothing was really happening there so the wife and I decided to move out to Alberta and work in the oil industry because the jobs paid so well. I moved out here when I was 33 and I am about to turn 40. We both paid off all our depts in 2 years. We bought a house and started a family. I work as a subcontractor that makes great money. The work is hard and the hours are crazy but I really like it. In only 7 years I am much further along then I was in the advertising industry and I am doing something I did not even know existed when I moved out here.

    My point is that starting over can be daunting but you might find something that better suites you. It might not take as long as you think to get far in a new career if you work at it.

    Also if you going to start something new move to where the work is, it will be easier to try out a few different types of jobs if there are a lot of them around.

    Hope this helps.

    • wow! this helps a lot! ty very much for your insight!grafician
    • ..but the first thing I would do is see if Simon needs an apprentice.eryx
    • but the industry decline got you worried no? or still pretty stable what you do?pango
    • Yes it is declining, The US has been producing a lot more. Also large projects are being stopped or held up to the point they are not profitable.eryx
    • I might have to change my career again, but for now it is still busy enough to stay in the same place.eryx
    • I should say that I dont work in the oil sands, we mostly do natural gas and condensate which takes very little to refine.eryx
    • I'm selling shoes on eBay now, officially I'm AL Bundy. lolhelloeatbreathedrive

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