making beats

Out of context: Reply #1753

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  • kingsteven1

    Learning curve of the day - live coding library for m4l.

    The easiest way to understand what mutateful does is by comparing it to a traditional spreadsheet. Let's say you have two numbers that you'd like to multiply. You put one number in cell A1, another in A2, and in A3 you enter the following (very simple) formula: =A1 * A2. Cell A3 will then contain the result of this operation, and will update automatically whenever A1 or A2 changes.

    Since the session view in Ableton Live presents clips in a spreadsheet-like grid, mutateful works the same way, only with more musically interesting commands. For instance, you could shuffle the contents of clip A1 using the contents of clip A2. The pitch values of the various notes in clip A2 would then be used to shuffle the order of notes in A1. Similar to the example above, we would like the result to be inserted into clip A3, but instead of using a spreadsheet command we will use a mutateful command, as follows: =A1 shuffle -by A2. In this example, A1 is a source clip (i.e. the clip that will be transformed), and A2 is the control clip (i.e. the clip that controls the transformation). The latter could be omitted, in which case clip A1 would be shuffled using itself as the control clip. The formula for this would simply be =A1 shuffle.

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