Productivity @ Work?

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  • Nairn1

    "Beer also hinders".

    I must admit, I use alcohol to work more. It's a terrible, unhealthy habit and barely suited to many types of work (for me: programming or html/css in particular).

    But, say I work through from 10am: At about 6.30pm-7pm I get tired and kind of want to fuck off home. If I have a cider or two, I can work for two-three hours more, and if I need to work really late, I can have up to four ciders and steam on 'til 1 or 2am.

    Again, this is a terrible habit and only suited to certain kinds of work - in my case: machine working on the laser (when I've already worked out any complicating aspects) and pure graphic design work, especially of a playful or 'creative' variety.

    Back when I used to do music promo stuff, I used to do them in the evening, get almost shit-faced as I worked on them, then wake up in the morning with forgetful, panicked regret. I'd turn on the computer and ... fuckme - I'd actually done what I was supposed to - and most of the time, it was actually OK. Actually good most of the time. Inspired, almost. Sure, there might be the occasional tweak required to fix lazy decisions, but it'd be like free work.

    Anyway, caveat emptor, YMMV and all that

    • I consider booze and weed 'good' for monotasking jobs. Anything involving code or markup and it turns me into a total fucking spastic.Nairn
    • This is also much harder to get away with having thrown a baby into the mix. I only do it occasionally now. 'Occasionally' being once a week or so.Nairn

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