
Out of context: Reply #342

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  • utopian1

    The Rich Really Do Pay Lower Taxes than You

    Almost a decade ago, Warren Buffett made a claim that would become famous. He said that he paid a lower tax rate than his secretary, thanks to the many loopholes and deductions that benefit the wealthy.

    His claim sparked a debate about the fairness of the tax system. In the end, the expert consensus was that, whatever Buffett’s specific situation, most wealthy Americans did not actually pay a lower tax rate than the middle class. “Is it the norm?” fact-checking outfit PolitiFact asked. “No.”

    Time for an update: It’s the norm now.

    For the first time on record, the 400 wealthiest Americans last year paid a lower total tax rate — spanning federal, state and local taxes — than any other income group, according to newly released data.…

    • That's the tramps fault for not being fucking legends.PhanLo
    • whining & crying cuz the % is lower than yours is a bit disingenuous given the top 1 percent of taxpayers accounted for more income taxes paid than...PonyBoy
    • ... the bottom 90 percent combined. We may pay 'good money' when we see how much of our cash is taken but we're not even a drop in the bucket...PonyBoy
    • ... when it comes to covering the overall nut.PonyBoy
    • before you take the NYT at face value you need to realize they haven't even released there methods. It will be released in a book.deathboy
    • a counter point that smells a little BS…deathboy
    • really i'm curious what percentage top 400 people pay to total tax revenue, but this article seems to have buried search results on that..deathboy

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