
Out of context: Reply #70214

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    Just read a local news story about a person (a man, if that matters) who died in a car accident. The story said the person was not wearing their seat belt.

    That absolutely blows my mind. Most of us on here remember a time when seat belts weren't always worn. But, nearly every car built in the last 20 years (this car was) makes all sorts of annoying sounds if you don't buckle up. Hell, mine starts going nuts before I get out of my driveway if it's not buckled.

    Which, makes me assume that this individual either dealt with the annoying sound (unlikely), unplugged a fuse (assuming that's an option), or buckled it behind their seat.

    I can't help but wonder why someone would not wear a seat belt. It's as automatic as closing the door to the car for me. There is a 0.001% chance it will trap you in an accident. But, that's such an outside chance that it's completely ridiculous to consider. Why on Earth would a person not buckle up?

    • Road deaths in Australia were close to 4000 in 1970 - no seat belts and drink drive laws. Today it is about 1100.BusterBoy
    • My brain melts whenever I see someone my age or younger smoking.i_monk

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