Successful relationships

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • mg332

    On a more serious note though, my wife and I have been together for 17 years, married for 7. Relationships and marriages comes with all sorts of ups and downs and lulls and victories and more.

    But the one thing I've found works for me: often, even if subconsciously, treat my wife as if she's someone I just met that I don't want to lose out on a future with. It makes me do all the little things you should do early in a relationship, and helps me not take for granted all the small things. Opening doors... being polite... knowing when she needs some time to herself... so much more. It also extends to things I do for myself: staying in shape, eating healthy, being stylish, all the almost inconsequential things that when combined make you who you are and why anyone wants to be with you.

    Because all too often, people get married and ALL THAT SHIT STOPS. You've got to keep up with the little things that make you YOU, and make you desirable to the other person.

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