
Out of context: Reply #18

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  • deathboy-1

    Ha my indian/muslim? pal at the 7/11 who sells me my convenience stuff is always on a phone watching shit. I said what you watching and he said tiktok.... his broken english response is like live stream stuff... I said so like a vine or something. we both lost interest clearly not understanding each other and shrugged huh well i guess i dont get it on both sides. But im curious wether dumb shitty applications might make menial work easier and more cost effective . let people stream shit and expect 50-70% work being absolutely placated. A write off as other areas of basic labor have greater yields through basic menial info input.

    • you sure he's your pal?pango
    • well no hes not my pal i thought it was obvious in the context.deathboy
    • ya in the context it's pretty clear. but the first sentence you also called him pal... you see where the confusion is?pango
    • yea that's my style of humor. typically we all call people friend pal, amigo, boss, or something but acknowledging in a detail likely not the case... i go hehedeathboy
    • of course there is also a larger human aspect to that in positive thinking everyone is a friend by default.... but too layered.deathboy
    • The idea of you not being yurimon scares me more than the idea of you being yurimon.
      Yes, I'm scared.

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