
Out of context: Reply #19

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  • microkorg2

    It's crazy the odds of a pregnancy lasting past the early few weeks. It's something you don't even know or realise until you are trying to have a kid. We had a couple of easly losses and were told it was quite normal and told the odds.

    You are definitely right though, when having kids on your mind you notice them more, you notice the mums and dads pushing prams etc more. Hell, you even start to get to know the pram brands lol.

    Hope all goes well for you guys whichever path you choose together (or not) going forward!

    • Our whole pregnancy was rife with terror, trisomy scare, hypocoiled umbilical cord, weight issues. But now a strong little monster. It's a fucking rollercoasterben_
    • during that time, every kid we saw triggered some sort of emotion.ben_
    • Right. Under age 35, there's a 10% chance it doesn't take. After 30, it's a lot higher, nearing 40-50% when you get to 40-45 age. Odds still in your favor.monospaced
    • Don't think about the odds. Most people are in bad physical shape and eat poorly at 40, it's largely them who spoil the statistics.shaft

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