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Out of context: Reply #1901

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    Frontend Javascript Frameworks

    This should probably be punches for me, since I keep using these things.

    So, I've spent the last 1.5-2 years building internal, browser based apps using VueJs 2.0 for the frontend. My team is small and old (with one exception). There is a ton of code wrote in this format. And, it took some effort on my part to convince them to go browser based instead of compiling apps to run on PC's.

    They announced the roadmap for version 3.0, and just like every other framework, everything is completely different. No other place in programming is like this. All of the C, C#, Java, and Go code I write is basically the same as it's ever been.

    The javascript world is a fucking nightmare that never ends. It's completely fragmented in every way. There's a new flavor of the month language that sits on top of javascript (Typescript, Coffeescript, etc). There's 50 versions of the language with all the ES2015, ES2016, etc. And, once a new framework gets popular for being "simple", they 2.0 it (3.0 in this case), and we're all fucked.

    I'm just going to go back to templating, rendering pages on the server, and basic bitch JS without classes or nodejs or any of it. I barely ever use any of this "reactive" shit. Outside of chat apps or realtime dashboards, none of it is necessary.


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