
Out of context: Reply #69869

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  • Nairn2

    I just got a newsletter from a client/friend whose site I did a few years back, part of which I consolidated a really simple brand for them comprising basic, relevant geometric forms. It was nothing Earth-shattering, but it was simple, worked and well-received.

    For some reason whoever did the newsletter decided to re-draw the 'basic relevant geometric forms' and they're completely pissed and out of perspective.

    I stared at it for a second, wondering what sort of algorithm or compression or mistaken aspect ratio might've led to the clearly-pissed result, so saved it out and dropped it alongside the original to check. Nope. For some reason, they simply re-drew it.

    I've gotten in contact and got the keys to their Mailchimp account so I can change it back to what it should be.

    I can't get my head around wtf their guy was thinking - it's kind of like working for Nike and thinking 'fuckit, I'll just trace the logo with a crayon - that'll do'. haha, aiee.

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