Designer Resumes

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • grafician-2

    Well, if they ask for a resumé you and they both failed...

    In 10+ years in the industry never I had to send a resumé to get a job. Basically you give THE resumé only if HR asks for it, to keep on file AFTER you get the job to justify your qualifications for the job.

    Sorry if it sounds pretentious, but it's not the case.
    Good agencies/studios will always hire based on these things:

    - who referred you
    - your attitude
    - good portfolio to back it up (this can include both commercial AND personal projects/ideas)

    Also f* "resumé", it's curriculum vitae aka CV actually...

    But back on topic, some specific tips - if needed:
    - 1 page - A4
    - your name and contact info - top
    - url to portfolio
    - your experience in the industry aka past jobs (agency - year - clients)
    - black and white, 2 column grid if needed, sans typeface
    - export .pdf file, fonts flat
    - triple spell check!

    BUT AGAIN, if they really need a CV, then walk jobs always come by referrals, so put yourself in the position to never ever need to submit a CV to get a job.

    My 2 cents...

    • I take your point but the big networks like McCann etc. all have standard hiring procedures where you would have to produce a CV.zarkonite
    • thank youeighteen
    • I worked with McCann, no they don't if you directly speak to the CD in charge. "Standard hiring procedures" is only HR talk AFTER you secure the position 1/2grafician
    • definitely working on the referrals, and portfolio. Realize those are more important but I wanted to check on industry standards for CVeighteen
    • based on a good talk with the CD who is the main person looking for fresh blood on a new position 2/2grafician
    • @eithteen ^ what Gnash posted above from the Futur, that's THE good CV template. no infographics and bshit like that!grafician
    • ❤ f* resuméMrT
    • @gracian: my point exactly, you HAVE to give them a CV at some point.zarkonite
    • I wasn't talking about getting the job, so yeah you should do your pr with the person who will decide if you're on the team or not.zarkonite

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