
Out of context: Reply #16

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  • Ramanisky22

    This exchange O_O

    Shcherbina: “What does the Radiation do to them precisely?”

    Legasov: “Ionizing radiation tears the cellular structure apart. The skin blisters, turns red, then black. This is followed by a latency period. The immediate effects subside & the patient appears to be recovering...Healthy even. But they aren’t. This usually only lasts a day or 2...”

    Shcherbina: “Continue.”

    Legasov: “Then the cellular damage begins to manifest. The bone marrow dies, the immune system fails, the organs & soft tissue begin to decompose.
    The arteries & veins spill open like sieves, to the point where you can’t even administer morphine for the pain, which is...unimaginable. And then 3 days to 3 weeks, you are dead. That is what will happen to those boys.”

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