
Out of context: Reply #28

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  • Nairn6

    I'd add - Another way to look at this, or any other question of radiative emission, is to ask what the sensitivity and detection capacity of the receiving widget is.

    Radio receivers in phones and tech are incredibly sensitive - they need to reeive very, very little energy to make their connection.

    Given that you consider the engineering of a system as a whole, with economies to consider, why would you put more energy into the system than is required?

    The levels of energy required to make a digital connection are way lower than the sort of thing you need to worry about boiling water molecules in your body. If that's happening, someone's losing money.

    • the only thing i know of that works in 20GHz bands are those huge parabolic transmitters... the whole this seems very oddkingsteven
    • *thing. i mean, they're big ass dishes fixed in locations for line of sight transmission. i just don't get how that can be made practical for devices.kingsteven
    • given that 5G will also run in 4G allocation how much of the higher frequency stuff is hype fuelled by consumer demand for faster wireless connectivity?kingsteven
    • No ones bodily fluid is going to boil. They're changing our frequency. They're changing our energy body to vibrate on a different frequency.set
    • Everything in this world is designed to keep us away from our true power. To be creator beings. To dream. To create our own world with our intent.set
    • We are gods being manipulated in to thinking we are nothing but material beings with no power. This is a prison planet.set
    • But yea, I'm the nutcase.set
    • 5G will stop the few of us that are able to visit the second attention, the astral, whatever you want to call it, because they are attacking our energy bodyset
    • the body most of you don't even know exists. . This world is a dream and this planet is a prison.set
    • Most people only have the tiniest energy body. All that can be experienced with that is self reflection. Only to see the world from your own tiny view point...set
    • ... in reference to yourself. While you go about all day incessantly talking to yourself in your head. Telling yourself the world is the way it is.set
    • Learn to stop the talking in your head, which by the way is not you but a parasite, and you will see the truth that I speak of.set
    • Until then I'm wasting my time and getting myself upset, to no end. I think maybe humanity deserves it's fate. Can ignorance be punished? I'm not sure.set
    • You are not your thoughts, you are the silence inbetween. You are the one listening to your thoughts, thinking that it is you. It is not.set
    • Fortunately most people are able to not listen to that bizarre voice that quickly says 'stick it in her' when you're chopping your onionsset
    • or the voice that says push her off when you're sitting on a cliff edge with your loved one. Luckily we still maintain a small degree of controlset
    • but every single thought you here in your head is that same parasite, telling you the world is the way it is, convincing you of it's agenda. Stop listening.set
    • Remove the parasite and you can see the truth I speak of for yourself.set
    • Yours
      A fucking nutcase.

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