
Out of context: Reply #11

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  • Bennn13

    If there's evident problems with 5G, why would "they" go on with its development?

    • Maybe "they" are immune to it.qoob
    • Many lizards do in fact bask in radiation at the start of each day...Nairn
    • I could say that the world has been infiltrated by a demonic AI that lacks creative power like we do, and is slowy acquiring our bodies through technologyset
    • 5G will turn our energy bodies, our dreaming bodies, in to a frequency that the AI can assimilate with. But if I did, you'd think I was a total nut job :)set
    • The black meteorites that plato told us was the reason for the fall of atlantis brought it here. Same black stone that sits at mecca and they all must touch.set
    • Fucking ridiculous nonsense though right :)set
    • You sound crazy but I'm interested.Maaku
    • Of course I doset
    • I'm painfully aware of that fact.set
    • Not saying you're crazy but how did the meteorites go about setting up 5G networks?qoob
    • It's infiltrated the highest levels at Washington, London, the Vatican etc and of course.... Silicon Valleyset
    • Everyone knows that the Vatican is an independent city-state, it's own country with its own rules, but most people don't know that...set
    • Hmmm wasn't this the plot of the recent Marvel superhero movie Venom? :)qoob
    • .. The city of London and Washington are too. The three centres of control... Military, finance and religion. They're a team, controlled by the same force.set
    • ... And sadly that force is not of yours earth and does not have humans best interest at heart. What a shocker.set
    • ... Sadly most people's programming will instantly deny this as ridiculous, and I totally understand.set
    • I don't bother getting in to it usually as there's little point, people are so programmed that they won't even entertain the thought, but Ben did ask :)set
    • They tell us a lot in movies. Something to do with black magic and telling your subjects what you're doing. I haven't seen venom yet, maybe I should.set
    • I mean it sounds interesting...but I honestly never heard of this particular theory before. How do you know this stuff?qoob
    • Also, plausible deniabilty. It's a great way to get the masses to forget the truth when they hear it because 'you've been watching too many movies mate'set
    • @qoobb I know this stuff because I saw it at the movies, obviously ;)set
    • I don't even care if people believe it anymore. Humanity is not my responsibility.set
    • We're welcoming it with open arms. Maybe we deserve it. Ultimately what difference does it make if light or dark wins. This 3D reality is duality.set
    • I heard this before... the thing about Vatican, Washington and London. ... It falls in the conspiracy theory categoryBennn
    • No it doesn't Ben, it's an unequivocal fact. That's the only bit of what I said that can be proven right now, hahahahaset
    • I'm just wondering how you know all of this is true..???qoob
    • Also when you say AI, does that mean it was created by someone else?qoob
    • I don't.set
    • I'm not trying to convince anyone. Believe me, don't believe, makes no difference.set
    • set, link us some trustable sources on the web about itBennn
    • lay off the bottleutopian
    • Utopian, bring the prime example of humanities fuckery and programmed denial of anything that isn't already known about. Thanks bud.set
    • You were part of the crew that burnt people at the stake for saying the earth revolves around the sun, hahahaha. Bless you.set
    • Thankfully there were a few intelligent people that entertained the idea, looked in to further and realised it was true.set
    • If it was all utopians we'd still think the earth was flat and at the centre of the universe, hehe.set
    • Money. Its always money.desmo
    • Ah yes, money, the original cover for the cover.set
    • Anyway, whatever you choose to believe or deny, the fact is 5G is not good for us.set
    • they make cigarettescollegefund
    • Classic set, fucking love ya!utopian
    • lol, I am classically a bit of a cunt I know.set
    • set you make me smile when i read your shit! keep it up man!renderedred
    • plato, meteorites, atlantis, ai, 5G... fuck yes!renderedred
    • 5G is the culmination of a several millennia plot, under a single organization that now has world power?monospaced
    • Actually, don’t answer. I asked before I read your next post.monospaced
    • It’s cute you think humans can band together like that. Truth is the world is chaos and we’re barely keeping shit together.inteliboy
    • I seeset
    • i can't tell anymore if set is using ridiculousness to emphasize the sarcasm or to hide that he actually believe what he said.... O__Opango
    • "They" is just us man.yuekit
    • Sadly not.set
    • The LHC is designed to own a portal to bring the rest of them here once the time is right. Do you really think the UN bands together and spends £15bn...set
    • ... on a science project with no financial return? Haha. The cern logo is 666 and they have a statue of shiva the destroyer of worlds at the hqset
    • The truth is hidden in front of your faces and you're all too stupid to see it. Maybe humanity deserves its fate.set
    • Except their logo is a particle accelerator according to them. And a statue of Shiva strikes me as a tongue in cheek reference to smashing particles togetheryuekit
    • Yea it's just that. lolset
    • It's all just a big joke and coincidence and you all know everything there is to know, and anything you don't know about must be bullshit. Hahahah, jesus christset
    • Never said that but it would take a lot more than a logo vaguely resembling a six to convince me something is a secret portal to another dimension.yuekit
    • I mean, it does look like a particle accelerator doesn't it? https://www.extremet…yuekit
    • Also Shiva is a good god in Hinduism so how does that fit into your theory?yuekit

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