Motivating Designers?

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • grafician1

    Also a "party" budget for getting booze on Fridays helps.
    Notice: this is dif than stocking beer in the office fridge! Give them a budget, not free drinks! It's a BIG difference.

    Also never pay account people more than creatives! They will find out and never respect you - the boss/creative director/etc. - or the account people anymore.

    Also office hours should be 11am to 18-19pm unless you have creatives that are morning people then give them the keys to the place so they can come in early and get shit done before 11am

    Never over work creatives - never call them after office hours - never call them on weekends.

    Always take their side over account people or clients - even when their ideas are dumb - if their ideas are dumb, call them and tell them that directly and work it out until you get something good out of it.

    It's all about support and mutual respect.

    • I've worked in agencies full-time and as a freelancer for over a decade - this "recipe" for handling creatives will win you Cannes Lions guaranteed!grafician
    • Also will get you friends for life!grafician

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