Motivating Designers?

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • Continuity1


    '[...] what have you done to help them evolve and get excited about refreshing their sense or style of design?'

    Nothing. And I'll tell you why:

    • The chances are high that other creatives think the way you do — insofar as 'highly inspired and aware of what's happening in whatever your design focus is, etc, etc, etc' is concerned. And the chances are they're trying to 'help others evolve', too, according to *their* sense of inspiration of awareness, and certainly not yours. So, then it becomes a pissing contest with other creatives;

    • Others don't want to 'evolve';

    • This business is a sausage grinder. There are way too many assignments, way too much politicking, way too many differences of opinion, and way too many chiefs and not enough Indians* in an agency who are ultimately going to throw their weight around at the expense of you trying to 'evolve' people.

    I know you're coming from an honest place with the questions, mg33, and I respect that. But the fact of the matter is that the sort of thinking you're trying to present, here, is probably better suited for extra-curricular creative activities — something personal to you as a passion project that you do in your off-hours perhaps with others, for example — and not in the soul-crushing run of agency daily business, where there are just entirely too many external variables to consider that will pretty much crush one's efforts to do as you suggest.

    * Yes, I know this is dated and politically incorrect. I couldn't give a fuck anymore.

    • Yup. I'm 45 and bitter.Continuity
    • But I don't think you have to be so ambitious to change an entire company, just your little corner of it.robotron3k
    • I get the bitterness. I'm just at a point where I'm trying to help our creative process measure up to certain agency aspirational goals.mg33

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