
Out of context: Reply #69609

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  • Bennn1

    What are you doing typically after work 'till bedtime? Personally, I have about 5 or 6 hours at home before going to bed. I'm curious about you, how much time do you have and what are you doing with it.

    • I personally will watch anywhere between 3 to 5 hours of tiger related on youtube.utopian
    • Get home around 6:15, help with kids' routines, playing, listening to music, dinner, their bedtimes at 7:30 and 8pm. Then usually dinner for my wife and I,mg33
    • sometimes together, sometimes with our kids, sometimes individually depending on who puts who to bedmg33
    • After kids are asleep and if I've not fallen asleep with either of them, I ride my Peloton on Tuesdays and Thursday nights, often not starting until 8:30.mg33
    • Then dinner, some TV, or going to bed around 10:30. M and W I try to edit photos, record music, etc after chores and stuff are done.mg33
    • Probably go to bed between 11:30 - midnight on a good night. Sometimes do work-work from 9 - 11 depending on what I need to get ahead on. Not often though.mg33
    • ^ I bet this guy has a spread sheet for his schedule. so organized...pango
    • i masturbate till i fall asleep.pango
    • having kids surely stack the schedule! I dont have any kids so I have a lot of time, and lately I'm getting bored, I dont know what to do.Bennn
    • Get home at 5:30 and immediately take over childcare from nanny or mother-in-law. Start prepping kid's dinner. Wife gets home at 6:30 and I start cooking dinnermonospaced
    • Eat with kid, but usually we feed him and then eat. Sometimes we get out of the apt f or walk/errand. Play until 8:30, start kid's bed/bath routine.monospaced
    • Alternate nights doing bath/bed with wife. Whomever is off cleans up the play and dinner aftermath. From 9:30-10:30 we might enjoy peace or watch a show.monospaced
    • Someone usually passes out from sheer exhaustion by 10:15. Then we make it to bed. Start over at 6am.monospaced
    • @Bennn, if you are craving a full schedule after work, just have a kid. You'll never have free time or be bored ever again.monospaced
    • yeah i guess :PBennn
    • Same routing as mg33 but no cycling. For last 6 months time is spent making decisions/purchases for house refurb. Once it's all done I hope to get backmicrokorg
    • into making music and a bit of exercise like running. Yup Bennn kids eat into lifes schedule big time lol.microkorg
    • Usually goes like this: Get home from the office, walk the dog, go to the gym, back to the computer with the TV on, walk dog again, go to bed around midnight.Maaku
    • I miss being bored. I crave it. I feel like I'll never be able to do nothing again sometimes. Tonight I'm going to a bar to get drunk while wife does kid. :)monospaced
    • 730 - get home
      8 - rest up, take a shit
      830 - cook dinner
      9 - eat
      930 - clean
      10 - try to motivate myself w personal projects, practice guitar/house chores
    • 11 - get ready for bed
      1130 - read/netflix
      1200 to 2am - lay in bed in the dark, thinking wtf is this life?
    • Monospaced, do you bathe your child every night? What age? Man, we have an almost 2 year old and a 4 year old. They're lucky if the take a bath once a week. :Dmg33
    • Lol mono your routine sounds identical to mine.noRGB
    • No battle. He loves bath and goes to sleep well. We are in a good zone now.monospaced
    • Boy is now over 15 months old.monospaced

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