
Out of context: Reply #281

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  • utopian1

    Wage gap between top employees and everyone else is 'off the chart'!!!…

    #Greed is Good
    #USA #1

    • The more hours you work the more you make.robotron3k
    • ^LOLformed
    • This is for the capitalism thread, I don't think work more/earn more applies to socialism. Higher earners tend to be more educated as well. Boom!robotron3k
    • How many hours does someone have to work to make a million dollars every 30 days, just like the CEOs?utopian
    • It's pure, selfish greed at the expense of everyone else. It's unsustainable. Eventually the pendulum will swing waaaay back to make up for this abuse.formed
    • No it won’t. The market sets and sustains the salaries. You can see the trend is upwards like all the other results. Getting all worthy...Morning_star
    • Politicians of certain stripes here in Aus also love that guff; you're not a millionaire because you're lazy.MrT
    • ...and socially responsible about this is just daft. There is nothing you can do. Why not help out feeding the homeless or do some volunteer work. Don’t focus..Morning_star
    • ...the rich, help the poor instead.Morning_star
    • Ah, I see, just shrug off the blatant robbery and destruction of the middle class. 'Work more you lazy slob!' Wow.formed
    • and yeah, the pendulum will swing. We'll have GMI soon enough and that will be paid for by the wealthiest. If not, eventually, they'll be taken down.formed
    • The other lazy argument always rolled out is per capita growth. Look it's OK because we're richer as a group. It's the distribution that's fucked.MrT
    • whoa whoa again before trying to blame "capitalism" which is private enterprise trading value for value voluntarily... for inequality is a bit jumping the shardeathboy
    • k in any understanding of the systems involved. 1) if inequality is created in such a system its good because both still seem to find value. If not it wouldn'tdeathboy
    • because people wouldn't trade. However our markets are hardly laissez faire. and here is where inequality has meaningdeathboy
    • special privilege and crony capitalism, lobbyists, and politicians trying to broker power of trade amongst individuals, and on top of that monetary policydeathboy
    • which is manipulated by political forces and poor policy of fool individuals. have you ever truely considered the idea of 2% inflation as noble goal?deathboy
    • "capitalism" by definition is used as a fall guy by central figures who want even more control blaming error on an abstract idea than failure of predecessors.deathboy
    • Wealth inequality by monetary policy is a bad thing. I hoped Powell would have continued QT and rate increases to shrink assets prices (wealthy own most assets)deathboy
    • and at the same time increase the value of paper people hold that inflation is ruining. But something is wrong. Powell isn't a bernanke/yellen goondeathboy
    • He's smart and spooked, And his 60 minute piece was fluff besides the "we have a plan this time to let banks fail" not sure who he was telling though...deathboy
    • .. but anyways the biggest wealth inequality driver is central banking systems and politics. capitalism will create inequality but only if it is beneficialdeathboy
    • and with far less errors or swings than the CB/GOV attempts of controldeathboy
    • @formed. You've perceived a problem, what's your solution to it?Morning_star
    • Ha @formed seems to support more his captors. Doesn't realize he supports everything that best kills middleclass and grows inequalitydeathboy
    • Let's face it...the system is rigged from top to bottom. Always was....always will be!utopian
    • but that isn't a failure of capitalism utopian. Capitalism is a free system, free for people to take advantage of through politics... crony capitalismdeathboy
    • the alternative is crony capitalism on roids were there is nothing free and everything decided on whims of rulersdeathboy
    • if you had to choose a system to follow do you choose on leader or on principle. get rid of capitalism and we can claim trump supreme rulerdeathboy
    • let him decide, because hes so great, what people want and valuedeathboy
    • or we retain freedom and the all dynamics it involves even sometimes shitty ones... tesla... let markets decide, let freedom bedeathboy
    • the problem to such freedom is monetary standards and regulations. since there is none and its all fictional involving global systems with the only controldeathboy
    • by us with petrol dollar. and countries getting smarter about the con and doign their own versions its hard to have any "free" marketsdeathboy
    • btu again not a product of capitalism a product of gov. do you blame the child that convinces their parents to buy them beer? or the parents. gov are gatedeathboy
    • keepers to the power.deathboy

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