
Out of context: Reply #69547

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  • autoflavour1

    so fucked. My wife works for local council here and a few months back one of the councillors got all upset at something at fully verbally abused her and was completely out of line.. there was a witness also.

    my wife makes a code of conduct complaint, the general manager sits on it for months.. she keeps asking, eventually she joins the union and then all of a sudden, oh yes, thats already been dealt with, the councillor will meet with you in person but not with a union representative present.
    and besides, the complaint was unfounded (even though a senior manager who witnessed it wrote a supporting letter) and so this fat piece of shit councillor, who fucking lords it over every person in there, and who everyone knows is a bully, will get away with it.. My wife was the first to actually stand up to her this fat cunt, and they fucking swept it under the carpet like it never happened.

    it makes me so furious.. I am doing everything in my power not to do something stupid.. but seriously, what the fuck... you get bullied in your workplace, there are witnesses, and the people who are supposed to be on your side, fucking throw you under the bus..

    seething with anger at this point..

    I would just tell her to quit, but fuck that, why should she quit.. its an ok job, close to home.. and its full time permanent.. granted she could be paid more, but apart from this fuckwit councillor, its ok there..

    sorry, needed to vent somewhere..

    • Take care of your wife. If she can manage this situation, she's strong af... Worked for some bullies in my career, and it's not easy to do your best with themOBBTKN
    • fuck man, so shitty.capn_ron
    • Wwe're a wobbly jelly like cluster of cells, given form by a skeleton, stuck to a giant rock by gravity, floating in a vast void of life universe....shapesalad
    • <^ that is something I think about daily to help me not give a shite about it all. Not sure it helps...shapesalad
    • Go public. Name and shame. Local news, social media, whatever it takes.i_monk
    • Start a campaign and run against the fuck. Vote him out.RumperChunk
    • people in power generally SUCK and get away with it...DarkCover

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