The Healthy Thread

Out of context: Reply #436

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  • mg338

    I’ve been busting my ass in the gym since August and being more strict than usual with my nutrition, and I’ve gone from 18.9% to 12.94% body fat from August 28th to February 22nd. I’m now doing a training plan called Freak Mode for 12 weeks that was a nice balance of lean muscle gain and fat burning. It’s mostly in my abdominal area, but since August that number has gone from 33 to 18 with caliper measurement. Inner thigh measurement has gone from 22 to 13, and my upper thigh is at 9. It’s crazy to see how I can physically see how lean I’m getting and match that up those those measurements.

    Went to Colorado for a snowboard trip two weeks ago and was in the best shape I’ve ever been. Went hard all four days, legs and core felt great and never felt weak or unsafe like I usually do after three days.

    Can’t wait to see where I am in May; I feel like I’ve got that base set for actually achieving the “summer body” ripped physique I’d love to have. I’m 41 and it may sound vain but there’s something very motivating about being at our neighborhood pools amongst a plethora of dad bods and know I busted my ass to be in good shape.

    • Does your penis look longer? My dad dropped 75lbs and 18% of his body fat once and my mom said it made it look longer since the mons pubis had less fat.TheGreatGlorpo
    • "big dick mg33"

      ... sounds like a western
    • I'm 46, and while I haven't quite gone 'beast-mode' like you, I've been hitting the gym 4-5 days a week for a LONG time, and it feels GREAT to feel and lookexador1
    • way younger than you actually are ;)exador1
    • What are you using to measure/calculate body fat?duckseason
    • oh hell yeah!notype
    • will check out the website. could use a lil' ass kicking after this fast.notype

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