Rejecting Projects for Moral Reasons

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • RumperChunk4

    My wifes best friend is married to a client of mine. He has admitted to cheating on her countless times (to his wife, not me - he doesn't know that I know) and has completely lost the plot. Screams at her, is banging some other single mom from the school, and regularly goes out and has one night stands. He has blamed it on the fact that he hates church, and the fact that his wife takes the kids once a week on a Sunday.

    Anyway, we do quite a bit of work together, but I had to tell him to go fuck himself. He should man up and just fucking handle the situation like a grown up instead of making his wife and kids life a total misery... what a waste.

    • Well damn, that sucksMaaku
    • in his defense, church really really sucksmekk

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