
Out of context: Reply #69320

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  • oey16

    Baymoth, I don't know if I can take you seriously so I'm gonna do this half seriously half joking....

    Communism - theoretical not as bad as capitalism. never implemented. USSR, China, Venezuela, etc...are not Communist at all.

    70% taxes - for the rich? yes please! specially when a couple have more than over half of the World's population, yes please.

    killing babies - USA's speciality (fucking US English)

    segregation - oh damn! that also happened in the States...wait, it's still happening, fuck me!

    corruption - something that only exists in "Communist" countries, oh wait and in capitalist countries as well!

    spying - Didn't know James Bond was Venezuelan! Was Lafayette french? NSA certainly stands for "No Spies in America"

    collaborating with radical islam - what if the USA never had helped the radicals in Afghanistan against the Soviets? Probably no 9/11 unless it was an inside job!!!!!

    immorality - LOL! I really have to give to you...the USA are clean of immorality, it's clearly the land of the morals!

    racism - seriously? if I could I would write "fuck off you ignorant piece of shit"...but it's just not my style. the day there's no racism in the US is the day nobody lives there.

    enslaving a population to debt - insert crazy dog picture here.

    govt run healthcare would be the dummies - fucking LOL! you don't even have an universal health system, the USA. you send guns everywhere, go to the moon...but taking care of your own...

    Makes ya think on where the real evil lies doesn't it - yes, makes me think that Trump's USA president 'cause most people are fucking bomb other people's countries and sell fucking guns...not just the States but you write stuff like you were perfect...

    you clearly don't know shit about the US History, are you aware what the USA contributes to the state of the World? Not only the US but...

    dude, go give the dog a bath or go see if it's raining outside...

    • >>>>…sted
    • ^ I know sted...i considered it but since he posted here...sorry!oey
    • Doc poz is back!robotron3k
    • Has there ever been a country that was socialist or communist that can be considered 'successful'? legit Q... not trying to fight <3PonyBoy
    • ^ not that I know but they really didn't try to implement it did they? only the people in hierarchy changed. there was still a hierarchyoey
    • Communism only existed in its fullest in written form. It never got close in practice.monospaced
    • ^oey
    • there you go, mono has spoken.robotron3k
    • You sound pretty evil to me. And stupid.Hayoth
    • Here comes the "it wasn't done correctly crowd" 100,000,000 murdered in 100 years doesn't matter.Hayoth
    • ^ you are mixing stuf. of course that matters. that's just evidence that something wasn't translated correctly. how many people died in the name of capitalism?oey
    • capitalism is a fact. it exists theoretically and in practice with the known results.oey
    • Communism is a theory. Was really never achieved. The fact that millions were killed in the name of something just to serve a few. where's communism in that?oey
    • and mind you, I'm not a communist, I don't even defend communism. but I know that in all those countries there was a ruling class that exploited people.oey
    • that's simply not communism as it was thought and written. those were dictatorships. perpetrated by people who used a theory for their own interestoey
    • I live in a capitalist world and consciously I'm part of the problem but I also think I can be part of the solution.oey
    • this can not be the best system when tehre's so much misery around the world and wealth is not equally and fairly sharedoey
    • basic human rights no matter which system and what you call it. does it sound evil to you.oey
    • ?oey
    • and it's very tiring and boring to discuss something with someone that comes with Stalin flag as if being left wing means one defends famine, hierarchies, etc..oey
    • I may be stupid...and a retard...but I know the difference. what you gonna say next? tell me about Venezuela?oey
    • have you ever read the communist manifesto? or any Marx?oey
    • all those countries you can mention it was all about power, cult of personality, personal profit, ruthlessness, nationalism...well, I don't defend that at all.oey
    • both the USA and the USSR and Russia can go fuck themselves with their politics. same goes to China.oey
    • I mean USSR/Russia as in then and now.oey
    • And all those dictators in Africa, Asia, South America. And all those extreme racist right wingers can also go fuck themselves.oey
    • besides, Napalm is so much better.oey
    • and if you think like that why do you support a Russian puppet? it doesn't even make sense...fucking LOL!oey
    • hands up how many of you are living or lived in a communist country.
      communism failed and turned into a shitty halfwit capitalist neo-feudalism.
    • long live corporatism!sted
    • how about not sticking with any particular ism? learn to adapt? and take the best part from each?pango
    • this cold war era of debate which one is better is stupid. that was almost 30 years ago. The propaganda was strong.pango
    • Political thread plzpango
    • The reason why communism will never work in practice is because it directly effects our ability to be human and individuals.Morning_star
    • you dont have to go full communism. just take the good part. taking care of your own people.pango

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