The Healthy Thread

Out of context: Reply #423

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  • autoflavour4

    So have managed to make it most of January living better.. big part was cutting weed loose.. so no more late night mindless binge eating.. have cut out chocolate and most sweets, have the occasional ice block (but it’s summer here at 36degrees). Cut out Softdrinks nearly completely (have had 2 cokes since) and have been trying to get to bed before 10 each night.

    Have lost a couple of kg, but given that nothing else has really changed in what I have been eating, it’s nice.

    It’s funny tho, after 25 years dancing with Mary, it feels like a very old fog is finally lifting.

    Withdrawal is a bitch tho..

    That said, we have been replacing it with sex, so .. win

    • The real test is once uni starts up again.. it’s easy to get to bed early when u don’t have papers due or marking to do. Hoping the clarity will at least makeautoflavour
    • It a bit easier. Not gonna lie.. boz.. you are inspiring me bro.. kudos to youautoflavour
    • well done.Gnash
    • Good for you man... I think with many bad habits there is no real reason for it, other than you keep doing it. Just need to break out of the cycle.yuekit
    • Good job! I'd love to have the guts to do the same, but I'm a vicious pig.maquito
    • Look I wasn’t eating frozen pizza bad, but it was bleak some of the late night munchies ..autoflavour
    • Excellent keep staying motivatedrobotron3k
    • from experience and struggles i have too. Please make sure you define your macros/nutrition, measure you resting metabolic rate andBoz
    • track food! I use My Fitness Pal app now and it’s amazing. Bar code scanning and all. It’s super important to track carbs/protein/fat/ca...Boz
    • because we have tendencies to underestimate how many calories and macros we really ate thus failure in getting results we need.Boz
    • just my 2 cents from struggle i am going through and previously not tracking. When i was huge it was easy to lose without tracking because the only way was downBoz
    • but as you start losing and get to a certain point tracking becomes a must to progress. So definitely try to get into habit of it.Boz
    • Thanks bozautoflavour

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