
Out of context: Reply #69296

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  • oey0

    Should I sell my MacBook from mid-2007?
    I have everything set to put it online but...

    ...but it was my first Mac and nobody will give me more than 70€ for it.

    I've been using it with an extra keyboard cause the keyboard is not working properly anymore.

    I basically use it to play Dj Angelo's and other scratch tutorials and test stuff in other OS like:

    Mac OS 9 (Emulated)
    Windows XP (VirtualBox)
    Elementary OS (Linux)

    My initial idea was to keep it to make music, I have it connected to my Mixer, but if I start doing so it will start to shit itself for sure despite having 4GB...I know, I know...

    Besides I would need definitely to buy a new keyboard for it and it'll cost me around 40 bucks.

    But I have like three laptops so...I actually tend to reuse and recycle stuff to the max.

    Damn decisions...

    Sorry people I just had a moment of weakness and I'm not sure anymore.

    • sell or recycle it.
      have to do it eventually.
    • I know, I'll roll a joint.oey
    • I need to reduce the amount of stuff I have, like an extra display in my bedroom that I use to work when I'm too sick to go to my Atelier. It's practical! :-/oey
    • And do I really need this Graphic Equalizer in my Technics HiFi system? Or the Vintage Digital Tuner? Everything together looks so nice :-/oey
    • Okay I'll roll that joint before driving everybody crazy with my mid-life crisis...LOL!oey
    • PANGO!!!!oey
    • she's so fuking adorable.…
    • you have a thing for noses?oey
    • Whut?pango
    • she has a nose like in she has a particular kind of nose. no? am I being superficial and should only focus on her voice and knowledge?oey
    • Lol not sure. I don't find anything particular special about her nose.pango
    • I have not watched her Netflix show but it sounds like you might be able to take some thing from it.pango
    • Use it a serving tray.utopian
    • donate it maybe?mekk

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