Menu pushes content down

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • colin_s1

    Bump for a bit of help maybe.

    I've got a pretty lengthy navigation set up as my new portfolio is project-by-project. It works fine on a computer because the nav just takes the top row of space and there's plenty of area for content "above the fold" (as it were).

    Mobile is different because the responsive setup (skeleton) makes the nav like four screens long of scrolling before content appears. Obviously I need the responsive / hamburger solution.

    My issue is most solutions I've found react to a single list, converting the UL and LIs to just the different format. I've got four lists within as many divs, within a containing div overall. For reference the site is: http://www.distortedperspective.…

    I've lost some coding chops over the year or I'd figure this out on my own, but if anyone has a recommendation for what they think a solution might be I'd be much obliged. Thanks!

    • can't help with the code but just wanted to say you have some nice work on thereGnash
    • hah thanks. i'm also currently looking for work so thus trying to get this all shinycolin_s

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