Donald Trump

Out of context: Reply #1813

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  • Ramanisky20

    In an interview to be aired Sunday night on Fox
    The Donald said this ....

    “I was watching the firemen the other day and they were raking areas, they were raking areas where the fire was right over there,” he complained. “And they’re raking trees, little trees like this that are not trees, little bushes that you could see are totally dry. Weeds. And they’re raking them, they’re on fire. That should have been all raked out. You wouldn’t have the fires.”

    When Wallace asked him about the “argument that it’s climate change, that it’s drier, it’s hotter and that that’s contributing to it?” Trump wasn’t going there:

    “Maybe it contributes a little bit,” he said. “The big problem we have is management. When I was in a certain state, I won’t say which, the governor said, ‘You know, we’ve tested it. We clean out areas and we actually set the fire just to see, we lose almost nothing, we can put it out right away.’

    “‘And then we leave areas un-maintained,’ he said, ‘We’ll lose 100,000 acres before you even know it.'”

    “You need forest management. It has to be,” Trump argued. “I’m not saying that in a negative way, a positive — I’m just saying the facts. And I’ve really learned a lot.”

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