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Out of context: Reply #23

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  • lilbabyleg0

    I don't know, just chillin basically. Been working on mindless stuff recently but I did get paid to paint graff so that was dope. look fo (funny that i missed typing the r right there) me in the new rollingstone. koolmix cd-rom. yeah it was for a cigarette company but you know what? I will use the money to improve my left wing anti corporate pro graffiti pro guerilla (fo rilla) website. and there's always my clever antibush sticker... incase you hadn't seen it.

    feel free to reproduce it. it's free. my gift to the world in the hopes that it will be the butterfly that causes the storm. also, did i mention that this sunday i have to battle some fools at venice? talking smack on a veterano. normally i'd just be like "you're too toy for me to battle". but it's a couple of good friends so i kind of have to battle out of respect. the whole reason it started was because they caught feelings when i didn't invite them to the koolmix gig. oh well... i'm in the middle of redesigning the 50mm site. it's goiing to be sweet if it ever happens that is. has anyone hired a programmer out of india? shit i took out an ad in craigslist and they responded. now they got my number and they don't stop calling. i want to hire them but i can't understand a damn thing they're saying. the accents are hella thick. so i will concentrate extra hard on deciphering so that i can hire em. they are cheap. $25 an hour! i get emails off craigslist where dudes are asking $125 an hour. that seems high to me. i only ask for $75 for design. most of the time $50. anyways take care man. i feel an extra special bond with you cause your name is rad. did i mention that wham rules? i saw that in a transworld skateboarding issue once as a photo caption. i thought it was so poetic that i saved it. do you by chance have the issue with the picture of natas ollieing a cow? the poem was so perfect. i just want to find that graphic and use it as a desktop pattern. right now i just have trees in the snow. i know, it's corny. in fact it's corny on many levels. one is that it's a standard windows background, and i run mac 9.2.2 so you know it took me a hell of an effort to put that thing opn my computer. well, not a great effort just a "more than you need to deal with" type of chooser> share> slave_PC" deelioskirama. two is that i like clean grey background color on my screen. i always lose shit when there is a crazy desktop background on my computer. i have folders and folders within folders labeled crap. which is another reason i like your name. i associate it with cleanliness. but i should really try to get those files backed up. there's important shit in there. lot's stuff i know i don't need but i save anyway. i've decided to just add the folder allcrapp to my backup cue. that way i'm covered.

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