
Out of context: Reply #713

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    • brexy mcbrexithans_glib
    • indeed. Cameron is the primary cunt in all of this for thinking that the great brainwashed British public would make the right decision.fadein11
    • I see, so Cameron is a cunt for believing in democracy. If only we had Assad, Hussein or Gaddaffi leading us.Morning_star
    • Cameron was kinda forced into it by UKIP who would have won more seats had he not offer it at election time.shapesalad
    • The whole episode of Brexit will be great for political students to dissect in their dissertations.shapesalad
    • When Cameron dies, I'll make the effort to find his grave and write Pig Fucker on it.PhanLo
    • lol, it had nothing to do with democracy, he was forced into it by the hardliners that have poisoned the tories for decades.fadein11
    • And he was so arrogant he gave it to the people to decide as he never thought he could possibly lose. You do know all of this surely Morning?fadein11
    • I know what's been reported. I just don't agree with the way you've portrayed the process and the arses involved with it. We fundamentally lost sight...Morning_star
    • ...of the truth and to shift the blame from the British public to one man isn't honest.Morning_star
    • Blame them both. Cambo for being a wank and the great british public for wanting continued tory misery forever.PhanLo
    • I know what you are saying but it was his decision to offer a referendum on such an important matter, the buck stops with him. The shitstorm of lies and hatefadein11
    • that influenced the vote was led by another bunch of cunts admittedly.fadein11
    • I get it fadein11, it's a shit show from the enforced decision to call a vote through to the 'negotiations' we're currently loosing fucking up. But...Morning_star
    • ...i'm bored shitless with people complaining, pointing fingers and shirking responsibility for themselves, their families, their communities without trying...Morning_star
    • be part of a solution. It doesn't matter if you're on the left or the right, the consequences of apathy will fuck us harder in the arse than any...Morning_star
    • ...Eton boy or wanna be Marxist. Step up.Morning_star
    • eh? I am totally resigned to the result now. "Shirking responsibility for themselves" huh? I have no influence over the utterly shit deal May is negotiating.fadein11
    • And I and many others intend to hold those responsible accountable and not roll over and accept bad decisions made my useless politicians for their own benefit.fadein11
    • by*fadein11
    • Everyone is bored of the subject for sure. All the more reason for the govt to get the deal done and dusted, but nah they couldn't even manage that.fadein11
    • There was some funny dick on Radio 4 this morning critiquing the negotiation strategy of both Europe and the UK and he basically came to the conclusion that..Morning_star
    • ...if you had a group of twenty, five year olds, a chalk board and some snacks they would literally have made more progress by now than the overpaid...Morning_star
    • ...'adults' in suits. I tend to agree.Morning_star
    • ha, yes I agree too. I don't like banging on about it, I know its time to get on with it like you say. Just v.worrying with children after we just crawled ourfadein11
    • way out of the last economic collapse caused by similar fucktards.fadein11
    • I'm with you there brother. I have two teens and future opportunities for them are unsure to say the least.Morning_star
    • yup.fadein11

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