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  • NBQ000

    Fuck London

    • Is she an old-looking young person, or an old person trying to hold on to youth?
      I'm not watching to find out.
    • She's in her "late twenties", if that's old for you. But that's not the point. Just reiterating how shit London wages are no matter how good you are.NBQ00
    • London is indeed shite. 40% white native British. Polluted. takes 2hours+ to get out of the city on a weekend. House prices start at 400k. Rent 1500k+ = 1bedshapesalad
    • try getting married, buying a 2 bed, having a kid in a 'safe' area of London, finding child care, both parents working = miserable life.shapesalad
    • It's a city for 3 types of people: Millionaires. Immigrants on benefits. Flat-sharing 20's something trying to get a career.shapesalad
    • Normal life is not a possibility in London. young families, middle age, old people, community - forget it.shapesalad
    • Just sucks that in the creative industry 95% of all the jobs, and the majority of good quality jobs are in London.shapesalad
    • She's a blogger and concerned about not having enough money to live in london..... NEXTlowimpakt
    • shapesalad, agree. And lowimpakt, she does her YouTube channel as side project. She's not a full time blogger.NBQ00
    • She's suffering from FOMO - the good stuff in LDN that she talks about - it's kids entertainment but for 20 somethings. Restaurants, gigs, etc.shapesalad
    • Passive novelty entertainment for young people that haven't seen much of the world and don't have the responsibility and costs of family life.shapesalad
    • Aye, she these young'uns need to see more of the world and ensure they only buy their tea from the Taiwanese highlands.Nairn
    • Exactly.shapesalad
    • Should do a immigrant versionrobotron3k
    • I'm fucked. I have face masks, trying to eat clean and always struggling to pay bills. No quality of life just don't know how to get out of her. I'm a POME!mugwart
    • have a holiday go in debt!mugwart
    • Want out but trains are so expensive and shit quality. My job is so specialized I cant just out and leave London. Sort of hope London crumbles so my job movesmugwart
    • I'm on a good wage and I'm skint, zero saving and I'm 36!mugwart
    • I dream of a quality of life!
      there is no excitement here. My fiancée is 24 and she's feeling the gloom.
    • mugwart, you're a slave man. Get out of there. 0 savings @ 36, 0 savings @ 63. Say no to London.NBQ00
    • lol at Brixton - thats yuppie HQ!
      Past year though I have had a few runnings
    • Bus and walking also fuck up your lungsmugwart
    • My job is very specialized and I have been through a very costly divorce. I'm madly finishing my novel in hope to get out but it is very hard.mugwart
    • I'm not a slave by birth, I'm very rebellious but true my job has slaved me into London. There are like 4-5 companies that I can work for.mugwart
    • @NBQ00 -- where you based?mugwart
    • Moral of the story: Never get married either. And don't move to London.NBQ00
    • Love is great, being a married is great. Being an abused kid that ends up marrying into the same narcissist circle - not so great.mugwart
    • inequality = few at top happy, rest miserable. We need a more even playing field. We need more regulations, restrictions and local policies.shapesalad
    • ^ true dat but from what government or which group? The corruption is vast and deep. We seem to have sunk back into the Victorian era.mugwart
    • my kids are teens, and are starting to ask about stuff like this..'where will i be able to live when i move out, or go to university'...exador1
    • the wife and I are toying with the idea of buying a condo downtown toronto for them to use when it comes time for that...exador1
    • then, when we're old and retired, we could sell our house in the burbs and move into it..etc.. just an idea now we're thinking about...exador1
    • not a bad plan. If I had money I would get some land and then prefab it. My son could build his own on it when he's older, if he wanted. Privacy but cheap.mugwart
    • shapesalad going off on his wingnut cuntery again. Just use the 14 words and be done with it, fucker.face_melter
    • ROFL... Still hating hard :D Please don't change your mind and come here.graphiconions
    • Why smog?Hayoth

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