
Out of context: Reply #68418

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  • kona0

    An app developer just swung by and the consensus from the developers was that our montserrat fonts (chosen long before I came on board) Regular and Semibold look too much alike.

    Subjective feedback, but ok.

    I look into it and apparently soon after I received the font library from my boss, who's since left the company, Google updated the font, changing the weights and what not.

    So now I've spent most of my day looking into it, having devs pointing fingers at me and the conclusion is to simply download the new font library, install it on whatever system the devs are using for the app, and uh, it will just change everything. I walk them through it with the caveat, "now, Google may have changed things such as character spacing, how long the characters are - their width - and text could render longer or shorter in our app. So now they're flustered as fuck, worried the new font will break shit.

    If that's not bad enough, my boss is on my ass about the design system I've been tasked to put together in my spare time. Somehow, an update by Google to their font - that no one knew about - would have perpetuated automagically to our design system, and trickled down to the developers and updated the font in the app. My frustration has hit it's peak.

    • maybe updating your resume/portfolio will give you a boost of anti-frustration. Then you are ready to send it out when anything comes up that looks promising.capn_ron
    • keep using the old one? I mean, if it's not broken, don't break it style..
      here is a 2014 version:
    • at least it says uploaded 2014 (hope it's the old version)uan
    • Is "looks too much alike" worth the man-hours changing it? Should be an easy answer.i_monk
    • I have had major problems with that font before, weight issues as well but it wasn't an app it was a website and how Chrome renders it. May be related though.fadein11
    • There are a fair few posts about it on stackoverflow etc.fadein11
    • Man I feel your pain. Web design just isn't fun anymore.fate
    • imho companies shouldn't rely on Google fonts. I say this as someone who just put a Google font on a website sideline... . It's a temporary measure.detritus

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