
Out of context: Reply #68344

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  • detritus-1

    Have any of you lot learnt Python recently and could point me in the direction of a good starting point/learning portal?

    • https://www.python.o…dorf
    • hah, thanks - apart from that though :)
      I mean, like walkthroughs, vids and courses? I'm a programmotard..
    • have you tried codecademy? or is there something in particular you want to learn?dorf
    • I find that, the Holy Grail, is a good place to start. then maybe Life of Brian before moving into Meaning of lifeGnash
    • If you're new to python, starting with the films help to see the tv series with a brighter lightGnash
    • working on it.plash
    • ive been using the https://www.anaconda… IDEplash
    • Thanks, dorf & Plash - I actually missed the tutorial links on the python page, dorf *shame* I just want to expand my poor skillset and catch up on digital...detritus
    • ..and from what I understand, Python seems like a well-rounded catch-all for a variety of end tasks - particularly, not limited to web.detritus
    • Also, 'easy to learn', but i'm sure I can challenge that! :)detritus
    • github: python-snippets
      lots of these have proper comments, and it's the best to learn from the examples.
    • let me know if you need any help. I code with it when I have tomugwart
      python with trevor payne is pretty great
    • Scripting python is like going out drinking with a crazy mate. Starts off amazing and fun but at some turns just bad and painfulmugwart
    • its due to runtime/no precompiler. Its dangerous! So when you start learning - learn unittests. Can not advice more than thatmugwart
    • Also dont worry about IDE's use vim and the terminal tool set at the start - IMAO.
      IDE's get clunky and get in the way of learning. That said pycharm is good.
    • I'll probably just stick with SublimeText ;)

      Thanks, muggles.
    • ^ get good and want to sell your soul for film work, let me know!mugwart
    • ^^^ Fuck VIM, use IDE's.section_014
    • ^^ nar - especially when your beginning!
      Though I did just switch to clion due to debugging. Vim bindings and clion is heaven

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