Right Wing Utopia

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • sarahfailin1

    Part of my curiosity is in wondering whether our vision for the perfect world is actually the same, but we believe in taking distinct paths to get to there. If the left and right were able to agree on an end goal, then, MAYBE, we could engage in a reasoned discussion on how to get there.

    But it's true that there are too many politicians and others acting in bad faith, who don't strive towards any political ideals, but are making cynical cash grabs from a vulnerable democratic system, with no foresight or concern for the planet or general well-being. Others are just apathetic and unconcerned with the real ramifications of policy decisions; they prefer to take the policy choices at face-value, and they even question or disregard the factual reality their policies have created.

    give 'em their tv, meat, and air conditioning, and people will be happy with whatever. maybe that is the true right wing utopia, and we're already living it.

    • 80% of the people agree on 80%® of the issues is my motto (yes, that's trademarked, send me a check if you use it)formed

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