
Out of context: Reply #29842

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  • ernexbcn2

    "About 70% of Venezuela's economy is privately owned and was based on a single commodity - the price of which crashed. Do some reading, dickheads."

    Yeah, that clearly turned Venezuela into the shit hole it is today, not the incapacity and corruption throughout these 20 years of "revolution" by the ruling party. Keep repeating yourself that.

    Venezuela had the biggest oil bonanza of its history during Chavez regime, the oil barrel was over 100 dollars. They not only pilfered that wealth but kept borrowing money from China, dozens of billions of dollars for unfinished projects. My father just had almost a month without phone because someone stole the cables and left the whole neighbourhood without landlines and the company couldn't replace them because probably they didn't have them. His car just broke up and there are no spare parts. And this is just the past few days. I could go on about how life has turned into utter shit living in Venezuela but some of you have no fucking clue about what's going on there and think "oh yeah oil went down it's not their fault! hurr derp" jesus fucking christ. Venezuela is governed by real thugs who don't give a fuck about their people and are even involved in huge drug trafficking. I cannot wait for those motherfuckers to go down in flames.

    • We also need to send a care package every couple of months to my in-laws with some food and medicine because guess what? you can't find them anymore there.ernexbcn
    • It’s the United States fault! We did this! With our Capitalistic, Imperialistic, Military Complexlistic, Judeo Christian values!!!!HijoDMaite
    • Yeah it's really convenient how after being in power for decades, having a tight grip over all matters of the economy and society, somehow nothing works...ernexbcn
    • ...and it's always someone else's fault, if you put these motherfuckers as managers of the Sahara they will make the sand disappear!ernexbcn
    • And look at what's going on in Nicaragua, over a hundred dead just for protesting against the POS Ortega, another rat from the same sewer.ernexbcn
    • Social Democracy at work!robotron3k
    • oh, there we go, I was waiting for the antagonistic jab....robo gets the price again!formed
    • +1 ernexbcnGnash
    • face_palm is at it againhotroddy

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