making beats

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  • mantrakid0

    i feel like my ability to make cool shit has gone up but is inversely proportional to my interest to do so.

    I feel like ive lost the passion for making beats.... i miss having that drive of just wanting to work on shit all night.. now i gotta force myself to do it, or else i just end up watching shit on netflix and dying inside.


    • do you work with other musicians? my beats went up their own hole to the point of non existence... now sworn off one-man endeavours and loving it.kingsteven
    • I havent really been working with other musicians. What sort of collaboration you been doing?mantrakid
    • mixed some records for folks + my own bands over the last 3 years. working on a record now with a bunch of heads + players i've met over the years. still doingkingsteven
    • most of the work alone but working toward a comp of remixes of existing groups, my self-assembled groups, with some solo stuff... few years ago,kingsteven
    • my solo stuff was sounding tight but i'd totally lost direction. finishing tracks and immediately sweeping them under the carpet... started taking on stupidlykingsteven
    • ambitious projects (eg. octophonic speakers, A/V sets, soundtracks) to give myself something to work to. but it just got too deliberately obscure...kingsteven
    • so, sold some synths, bought some mics... recorded some stuff in rehearsal rooms and it came out alright. some folks heard it and got me to play on their stuff.kingsteven
    • after a while doing that, i got to learn a bunch of tricks watching other producers, how they work with musicians etc. real busy and real skint but feels good.kingsteven
    • Mantrakid, switch up what you are making music on. If laptop user, buy a wee toy like OP-1 or Digitakt. That'll keep things fun and fresh!microkorg
    • I found myself doing exactly the same procrastinating watching netflix/youtube rather than "working". If thats how you feel ...microkorg
    • ... then just run with it. Maybe you need a break. Or maybe just try pushing yourself.
      I got a Digitakt and found its totally helped as its so much fun!
    • Sweet thanks man, yeah i ended up switchin it up a bit ago -- got maschine thinking it would revitalize me and it kinda did but then i just felt burnt outmantrakid
    • Great advice and feedback, thanks guys. Maybe i just wont stress it haha :)mantrakid
    • Will check out Digitakt!mantrakid
    • Well worth just trying to get away from the computer to make making music fun again.microkorg
    • short intense bursts of creativity followed by long periods of pause.. I always feel like I should be making more, but then I listen to what I have made and I'mautoflavour
    • kind of surprised by what I'm making.. its way better than anything I have done before. My advice, don't schedule time. Procrastination production is the bestautoflavour
    • have something else you are SUPPOSED to be doing, then you music will scream to be made.. I make the best music when I'm supposed to be writing papersautoflavour
    • Actually honestly, i think thats the main problem since i totally agree - i was freelance for 10 years and could drop everything even super stressful projects..mantrakid
    • Just to work on some beats every once in a while... wrote whole albums in amidst big projects while i let the phone calls go to voicemail...mantrakid
    • These days with going in to work at the studio every day, there's never a chance to actually break away mid-day to jam on something..gonna have to figure it outmantrakid

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