
Out of context: Reply #68064

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  • PonyBoy1

    Not sure where to post this on QBN so I'll ask here...

    Anyone know of a good preview app for Mac that will allow me to preview MXF containers w/out any conversion?

    I can pull the files into Premiere or convert them individually w/apps like Wondershare but that requires loading / converting / lots of waiting.

    Some clown just delivered a couple hard drives w/about 1.5TB (hours and hours) of raw 4k footage... completely unlabeled / uncut / unsorted (ag-'XLTP00034AM.MXF'... about 200 files all labeled that way). He was clear he had zero intent of converting this shit to a readable format so my client can review and select the footage... dude will shoot a 12 hour day for a minimum fee but I guess that doesn't come w/any kind of sorting... :/

    • dat suxGuyFawkes
    • data complete mindfuck :(sted
    • Could you batch convert them to mp4's using Handbrake, left overnight? Then you can at least preview/sort and even edit and swap to mxf later.shapesalad
    • I usually just use an ingest setting in Premiere and load all the MXF, go away for a while and wait for the renders to finish.zarkonite

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