New Markup Language?

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  • detritus0

    What would need be different for html itself? It's just markup.

    HTML5 in its most basic form seems like a fairly good result after years of to'ing and fro'ing, and then that whole hard XHTML separation of church and state mess.

    Having DIVs and hard-described distinctions between things like Headers, Footers and different media types is all you really need at the base level.

    Now then, CSS could do with a complete re-set - that's where all the difficulties lie.

    CSS Grid's pretty cool, but still seems like a bit of a cludge.

    I'd also enourage a solid think about SVG too, as that's the sort of domain that, along with JS, could allow people to do the old flash-style stuff that everyone misses... it's just too complex right now for most people to get their head around (sure, there's Greensock et al, but that's not for punters or morons like me).

    Some fucker needs to come up with a decent app that mimics the best of flash and spits it out in non-propriety forms...

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