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Out of context: Reply #1573

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  • M01XXX-9

    Kanye West is back on twitter after leaving about 2 years ago. Back then he confessed to be 53 Million $$ in debt and begged tech CEO's for money on twitter. He lost tons of $$ on his fashion crap.

    • why does everyone with talent lose their mind?mekk
    • talent. LOLrenderedred
    • odd
    • I like his music ¯\_(ツ)_/¯mekk
    • Oh its Kanye so let's mock his mental illness. Sad!fadein11
    • he went into treatment after this episode.fadein11
    • He hates white people except when he wants money.Hayoth
    • Yeah I'm going to have pity for Kanye while people with real illnesses get no treatments and live in total poverty conditions.M01XXX
    • his wife is whitefadein11
    • lol. when did self-absorption become a mental illness?Gnash
    • what's that got to do with Kanye? Fuck the tories yes, not a silly pop star with mental health problems.fadein11
    • Yeah let's make it about race. A dick is a dick, don't care if black or white. I have nothing against Kanye, just think he's funny & mental.M01XXX
    • @gnash Judging by his behaviour prior to his treatment I doubt it was simply self absorption, he was hospitalised for weeks. But who knows eh. Tweets are oldfadein11
    • and boring regardless.fadein11
    • "but he's a celebrity, he's fair game" blah.fadein11
    • and btw, celebs often "go into treatment" whenever they do something irredeemable stupid. they're just trying to camouflage their behaviour.Gnash
    • (you seem to spend a lot of time commenting on v.boring things)Gnash
    • jesus whats triggered you now? why are you even commenting on my comments if so boring. Kanye is clearly mentally unwell. I have no time for him or his musicfadein11
    • but he's clearly not well (or wasn't).fadein11
    • I have also barely commented on here at all lately. move along, get back on your gender trip etc. or for the love of god let's actually see what you do lolfadein11
    • (lol. i didn't say it was boring, you did. you're a sensitive little flower, innit)Gnash
    • a snowflake or liberal, or a retard perhaps? choose your weapon. Let's see some work then?fadein11
    • fadein, you're exactly the reason why I ranted yesterday in the blog section. FFSM01XXX
    • Why because numerous members downvoted and disagreed with you? (not me by the way, although I prob would have if I have seen).fadein11
    • It's old news sorry, and he's likely mentally ill. Here have an upvote to make you feel better.fadein11
    • No because so many on here get triggered by almost anything.M01XXX
    • had*fadein11
    • Mate, I've been on the receiving end of it countless times. You will find your feet with time. Ranting on the blog about leaving then not leaving won't helpfadein11
    • your cause though.fadein11
    • Kanye West is the illest rapper alive.docpoz
    • don't take fadein seriously, M01. eventually, you'll find his mental meanderings amusing.Gnash
    • leave fade alone! please!renderedred
    • Tell him to get a lone from his wifeyridlerontheroof

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