
Out of context: Reply #29605

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  • mg330

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    "Weakening fuel economy and emissions standards would undermine the global competitiveness of the U.S. auto industry at a time when the rest of the world is moving in the opposite direction in response to energy security concerns, consumer preferences, and climate regulation. Having worked hard to establish global leadership in fuel efficiency and emissions-control technology, why would America want to throw all its progress into reverse?"

    Here are some statements pulled from throughout the article:

    - weakened standards could cause losses of $3.3 billion a year between 2022 and 2025 due to lost sales of fuel-efficient technologies.
    - It is clear to us that rolling back fuel-efficiency and emissions targets would make zero sense economically for anyone but oil companies.
    - In fact, it would set back American car companies and those working for them because the global automotive market is moving the opposite direction, away from gas guzzlers and toward cleaner, more efficient cars and associated technology.
    - strong miles-per-gallon standards provide market certainty, spur innovation, and make U.S. auto manufacturers and suppliers more competitive.
    - Recently, groups representing America’s auto parts suppliers joined advanced materials manufacturers and emissions control technology companies in stating that “it is in the nation’s best interests to continue leading the development and manufacture of the cleanest and most efficient vehicles in the world.”
    - Stronger standards also help the broader economy; fuel cost savings lead to increased consumer spending in other areas that create local jobs and boost American economic growth.
    - An analysis by Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. estimates that more than 100,000 jobs will be created and U.S. GDP will increase by more than $13 billion by the time the standards are fully implemented.
    - In addition to improving national economic stability, investing in advanced energy technologies improves our standing in the global economy.
    - Strong national fuel economy and emissions standards spur innovation and open the door to tremendous economic opportunities. They represent an investment in technological and economic leadership. Weakening them would be a bad deal for investors, workers, car owners, and businesses—and for the American economy itself.


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