
Out of context: Reply #44

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  • pr2-36

    I find it actually staggering how close-minded all those college professors bitching about the new crop of college students are.
    It doesn't take a rocket scientists to see that the new college students were NEVER exposed to ideas they didn't like and thus they are disinterested in pursuing anything that might upset their perception of the world.

    Unlike our generation when you kinda had no choice what to expose yourself to (thus were forced to sometimes eat up stuff that you at first didn't like), the new generation only consumes what they want. The brilliance of an idea and its mind-bending properties isn't relevant to them, but rather they care how far the idea goes to please already constructed perception. Obviously a VASTLY different approach to perceiving reality from our time. OUR perspective tells us that this new way is wrong but THEIR perspective tells them that our ways are skewed. I mean, why would you want to expose yourself to ideas that upset you if you can very easily insulate yourself from them? (we couldn't insulate ourselves). You might claim that hiding your head in the sand like a proverbial ostrich doesn't make the "bad" ideas go away but is it relay so? Some newborns were starving in Africa since i was born 38 years ago - and long before - is my awareness of the issue changing much of their plight for survival? Obviously the new generation's ignorance of the world births new ideas that are jaw-droping in their ineptitude of seeing the world for what it is but again, this isn't the point. Unlike the revolutions of the past that strived for a real change, in this insulatory world, the PERCEPTION of change is enough to satisfy the Big Ego driving the zeitgeist of their (ours too) times.

    • Get off my lawn!ETM
    • have some dry toast and orange juice and check back when you have come down. it's all ok mate.fadein11
    • “i was born 38 years ago”LMFAO
    • None of you ave kids, do you?pr2
    • I blame video games of today. so easy, re-spawn every time you die and everyone finished the entire game. try playing 8 levels, missing a jump and starting from_niko
    • ... the beginning of the game. That'll put hair on your chest lol._niko
    • Was telling my 8 year old this very thing yesterday. No saving, no reloading. Practice and patience. 3 hours to get to the end and you ran out of lives? Oh wellETM
    • Judging by number of down votes, it seems our generation isn't ready for ideas to challenge them either.pr2
    • or everyone here hates youLMFAO

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