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Out of context: Reply #3313

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  • face_melter2

    Russia gonna Russia... Been fascinated by this for the past few days - it's a well-worn fact that Russia has a less than favourable attitude to their assets and an even lower opinion of turncoats and dissenters.

    'The second person found unconscious in Salisbury alongside the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal is his 33-year-old daughter.

    Yulia Skripal was discovered on a bench next to her father on Sunday and is in a critical condition in hospital. She lives in Russia but was visiting the UK, the BBC reported, adding that relatives had not heard from her for two days.'…

    Those crazy Ruskies and their electric soup.

    • had to look up "electric soup" on Urban Dictionary. Thanks for that one!Krassy
    • According to the Telegraph, shit just weird and possible link to Trump dossier…

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