Altered Carbon

Out of context: Reply #6

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    I actually re-watched it on a lark this week, for the second time.

    It really is awfully derivative. It's a wholesale kit-bash of every dystopian or cyberpunk film and novel you've ever watched and read. Just about every theme, scene, and concept I could identify from something I've seen or read before.

    That said, the production really is beautiful. And the casting was largely good; the chemistry between characters was mostly enough for me to forgive the start-to-finish rip-offs and just enjoy the show.

    • I dont mind the visual ripoffs because they were very well done, but storyline was lacking, by the time the sister shows up I was like wtf is this hahaMiguex
    • Ah yeah, the sister thing was irritating.

      I was speaking more of thematic, plot and conceptual rip-offs, though.

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