Out of context: Reply #128

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  • PonyBoy-4

    Last month I landed a new client, made THOUSANDS of dollars and even took a week off simply cuz I felt like it... ... I owe this both to my own hard work and ever-so-much to those who provide the tools I need to get said work done... primarily you, Adobe.

    Thank you, Adobe! You charge me a miniscule amount of money each month and in return I'm able to crank out animation, design, code... whatever... daily... effortlessly... except for when I'm short on inspiration (but that's not your fault, Adobe!).

    Thank you... thank you... THANK YOU! I'm beyond grateful you exist, Adobe. You may spam my email, you may upgrade my software... you may charge my credit card... fuck yes... take my money, Adobe.


    • The reason you can earn high due to cheap software, is there are 1000's of other users finding it hard to cover the basic costs, slogging away with terribleshapesalad
    • ...$10 logo clients, all grinding away to slump up the Adobe fee. A fairer economy would be high fee for adobe, rest of us use cracked versions...shapesalad
    • ah.. sounds familiar... ah the good old days...shapesalad
    • that's not the reason why he can earn high, that's the reason Adobe is profiting, derpmonospaced
    • +1
      This is how I see it. It pays for itself in a literal hour or less each month.
    • $10 logo jobs? Ugh, salad...why would you EVER say yes to a price like that? Don't be mad at Adobe's prices...be mad at yours! :)PonyBoy
    • Say what you like, it’s nothing more than a protection rackethans_glib
    • So is going to work everyday so you can feed your family, hans... what's your point? It's win-win if you have a respectable skillset.PonyBoy
    • You guize realize the phrase 'shopped' wouldn't exist w/out this company? All those gorgeous vectors you create could be done Corel if you like... your call.PonyBoy
    • I have always said this, if working as a design pro the monthly cost is miniscule and look what you get, everything they offer but plus all the extras.fadein11
    • approx an hours billing (or less) pays for the whole package.fadein11
    • remove that random butfadein11
    • And what are they doing with those profits? Improving the software? It hasn't really changed in years.yuekit
    • Don't be silly, if there was real competition in the space prices would be drastically lower.yuekit
    • You can afford their protection racket? Good for you, so can I...but let's not pretend it's really delivering value.yuekit
    • Again... you guys go to work... right? Nice 'protection racket' you got there. Fuck having to eat or stay alive for the future... right? Lol... u'z make no ¢!PonyBoy
    • < A Christian, Ladies and Gentleman.detritus
    • < A troll, Ladies and Gentleman.PonyBoy
    • $600+ bucks a year is very little to ask given the return... I'm still 'stunned' by what big babies you are in your 40's QBN... pay for tools already.PonyBoy
    • *pay for *your tools alreadyPonyBoy
    • The cost is at least double that away from the US + (as said repeatedly) it's a lock-in cost that doubles your update requirement.
      Basically it's a rip off.
    • If you're happy being ripped off, fine, but don't simply assume everyone else is as mindlessly unquestioning too, because clearly they are not.detritus
    • Personally I'd rather spend that money on something else as useful for my business. You know, like an investment?detritus
    • Christ, I paid [the one off cost] for Affinity and have yet to use it - simply because I want Adobe to have competition.detritus
    • People who earn money well tend to look after the pennies - you can bleat about how many THOUSANDS you make all you like, PB, doesn't change matters.detritus
    • Adobe's not a charity, and eyes its bottom line remorselessly, as do I, as should we all.detritus
    • btw re: 'troll' - I was pointing out the oblivious hypocricy that smears the good name of most self-referring 'Christians'.detritus
    • it's not double that at least at all, what deal are you on? and people moaning about the quality of the software, PS is still the best, LR is arguably the best,fadein11
    • AE is almost certainly the best, Premiere is the best after Apple fucked up Final Cut. Come on its around £40 for an entire suite of software. Bizarre whiningfadein11
    • over nothing.fadein11
    • Illustrator isn't great but hasn't been for years in my eyes, terrible sluggish program compared to Freehand. But InDesign is great as well. Where's all thefadein11
    • competition? If there was competition there's a huge market of whiney individuals to steal surely.fadein11
    • Surely when you reach a point in your career there is a little payback for using software for free for 20 years no?fadein11
    • Huh, I swear last time I checked it was about twice the price. Was a couple of years back, to be fair. It's £36 in the states vs. £50 here.detritus
    • You do still pay 'at least twice the old amount' because you can't skip a release or two, which DOES mount up.detritus
    • factor the 20 years x ZILCH you have all had and the subscription model is even more miniscule.fadein11
    • who’s Christian? And if I were... paying for your tools that you utilize to make money is a xtian thing... sooo... lol... I’m lost, detPonyBoy
    • Well, Illy's my primary graphics tool and it's got a lot of stupid niggling bugs in it - mentioned in their forums, unaddressed for years.detritus
    • I've had paid-for copies (either by myself or whatever company I was with - my own or other) for a LONG time. I owe Adobe jack shit.detritus
    • I'm boggled how blind to their abuse of their essential monopoly some of you guys are. It's the simple principle of the matter. I don't appreciate being wrung.detritus
    • Your tone and general sanctimony, PB, not the fact you pay for your software. I'm not sure Jesus addressed the subject of software ownership. Wish he had!detritus
    • Ok. there are alternatives to illy though probably because it is so shit. use them.fadein11
    • I'll give you this - the whole suite ain't bad value.. if you use all of it all the time. I don't. I overpay for one thing which has been poorly maintained 4evadetritus
    • ..well, I overpay for two things as I have PS as well.. which, again, I need to get around to cancelling, because it's fuck all value to me.detritus
    • As I wrote earlier - I paid for Affinity purely to encourage competition and I maintain CC Illy solely to ensure compatibility with client files. I'm locked-in.detritus
    • Back in the old days - did anyone ever buy EVERY subsequent release? Did they fuck. You chose your upgrade path and you paid your way.detritus
    • My sanctimonious tone matches the “Waaah... I don’t want to pay for my tools” tone of the thread... sorry the reality of that upsets you.PonyBoy
    • I use 7 apps regularly... every week... it’s an incredible value but it does come down to what you do with it. “Graphics” isn’t a cheep hobby for surePonyBoy
    • I pay for my tools. I pay for my hardware. I pay for my materials. My monthly work expenditure likely dwarfs yours. I don't like getting ripped off. *shrug*detritus
    • Well...again... $55US is NOT a ripoff given the return. If you’re not using it professionally I don’t know what to say... hobbies are expensive? :)PonyBoy
    • Again, one piece of over-priced software that you HAVE to update 'every iteration' = an unecessary cost.detritus
    • If I worked from my bedroom and did a hodgepodge of full digital media, CC suit would be good value. I don't. Nor do many others. It's lock-in, plain and simpledetritus
    • Thing is... even Illistrator @ $55/m isn’t shit IMHO. Paid for with 1-2 hours of work... minuscule.anyway, I’ll be in my bedroom if you guys need me.PonyBoy
    • Strange to hear about an American happy to be taxed excessively - I thought you lot weren't generally fond of that sort of thing.detritus
    • Dude—$650 / year for even Illustrator would pay for itself (w/my bedroom clients) in one project. I don’t find that ‘excessive’ so of course I have no prob w/itPonyBoy
    • If only using illy diff story i guess, how much is 1 app a month? Never done that.fadein11
    • Oh, so you do work from your bedroom? I was just joking. OK, so you have very few expenses beyond your full CC suite? I understand how you'd not see.detritus
    • Basically - you can run your entire business in middle America for $55 a month? Super cheap! I'd not give a shit if I were being ripped off either.detritus
    • However I am in LDN and Illy is a tiny % of my monthly expenses, and one that is quite obviously an unavoidable rip off to me, so it raises my ire.detritus
    • Wouldn't matter if it were 10p or £10, it is clearly more expensive than it need be, and the only reason I accept it is because I have no choice.detritus
    • IF Adobe didn't play sly games with incompatible 'pdf compatability' then I could use otehr software, but they do so I can't. So I resent, but yet I still pay.detritus
    • IF I could buy a disc every two years, like we used to, I'd not care. I have *literally* no additional benefit from their demand that I subscribe to CC.detritus
    • $55USD = $660 / year... how is this 'excessive' for software that you easily (if you're worth a shit) can turn into $50-60K/year in output paid work?PonyBoy
    • ..in fact, the last two versions of illy have been glitchier than any beforehand. New 'features' are anything but - just pointless unwanted distractions.detritus
    • That's the cost of a respect SSD hard drive or maybe a couple of monitors... perhaps a video card... ... it's MINISCULE in comparison to my other costs.PonyBoy
    • And I work where I have to work, detritus... home office or inhouse (here or on the road). If I knew you found a way to keep your costs down I'd be...PonyBoy
    • ... praising you... not talking shit and running w/my 'woah is me' bullshit. Perhaps you need to reevaluate your expenses?PonyBoy
    • Fuck it, i can't be bothered with this any more - going in circles - the cost itself is tolerable, the fact I'm being ripped off isn't. Simple as that.detritus
    • How are you being ripped off? Did I miss that part? Did they not refund you for something or were you overcharged? (not being snarky-legit Q's)PonyBoy
    • I've said it, repeatedly above. And prior in this thread. If you haven't read then you're simply being pointlessly combative and contrarian.detritus
    • okay... first off... YOU are responding to my 'general' post... I'm not responding to you. If I skipped your whining elsewhere I don't really apologize...PonyBoy
    • ... however I am now taking a moment to ask. :)

    • I skip / burn over most of the BS in this thread cuz it's pure CRYING. waaah... 'Fuck Adobe' (title thread)... so don't get butthurt if I skipped your...PonyBoy
    • ... whining in particular.PonyBoy
    • So you didn't read anything in these notes or in this thread yet pontificated anyway? Good to know.detritus
    • No... I just went on about my own experience... like everyone else, det. You chimed in w/your xtian comment etc, not really adding to anything eitherPonyBoy
    • this thread is primarily whining that Adobe costs too much w/the occasional useful 'other option'... but outside of that it's pretty hateful...PonyBoy
    • ... towards the company that feeds so many of us. So... like you... and everyone else I gave MY experience. That's not notification, deety-poo...PonyBoy
    • ...that's just me joining in w/the rest of you twats. Now—I'll take a moment and read about how you were 'ripped off' if I can find it as I'm genuinely interstdPonyBoy
    • lol... 'that's not notification' = 'that's not pontification'PonyBoy
    • In all honesty I failed to read much of what you're saying in these notes when you made the Xtian comment. You answered snark w/snark... I get it...PonyBoy
    • ... but it's why I skipped through a few of your notes (I'm realizing I missed quite a few... I'm on my phone too. sorry)PonyBoy
    • K... so.. .read your statements. I didn't miss anything 'cept a lot of whining and insults and I'd be repeating myself and you'd be repeating yourself...PonyBoy
    • ... I will kindly disagree w/you that it's a ripoff even @ £50. fade nailed it when he described the leading software that still goes unchallenged...PonyBoy
    • I too am all for competition—it's why things get better so of course I'm for it. But if the alternatives are shit and the existing stuff is GREAT (and cheap)...PonyBoy
    • ... I will continue to praise and thank the company for providing the tools that allow me to live and pay for my life. THANK YOU, ADOBE!!PonyBoy
    • It's totally pointless if you choose not to see mine and others point here. Also, enough with the 'insults' already, precious. WTH happened to you?detritus
    • First comment from you in this post is about 'christianity'... WTH is up w/you lately? Does that comment have shit to do w/Adobe? Make...PonyBoy
    • ... some fucking sense.
      Also... I DO read these posts. If you can't tell I'm still be 'snarky' as you say. MY post is the result of reading so much whining.
    • And if you go back in time you'll see I'm merely repeating myself. So many of you are fucking whiners when in fact...IF YOUR WORK IS WORTH A SHIT...PonyBoy
    • I dunno what's up with me, but I think I'm like the third person here to notice this year how precious you've gotten. *shrug*detritus
    • ... the software pays for itself. That is a FACT, deety. Now go back to crying as you obviously don't give a fuck to 'see' MY point but merely...PonyBoy
    • ... whine on and on about your own 'point'. Fucking hell.. 50 / month? For your primary tools? It's nothing.PonyBoy
    • If you're fine spending $600+ more every two years than you should've under the old system, fine. I'm not. That's it. I'd rather spend that on other stuffdetritus
    • https://www.mamalisa…detritus
    • fuck that dance... I see your point and apologize for being such a douche towards you (even if that 'Xtian' comment made zero sense).PonyBoy

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