Your Gym Workout

Out of context: Reply #301

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  • lnu2

    5x5 Squats
    5x5 Bench
    5x5 Pendlay rows

    5x5 squats
    5x5 shoulder press
    1x5 deadlift

    Sunday: repeat tuesday
    Next tuesday: repeat thursday and so on.

    Pull ups, chin ups, dips and som curls in between.

    Increase wheight every session.

    This tells me what, when and how much:

    • Pretty solid routine. In between exercises could potentially hinder progress though. Maybe move that stuff to the end.section_014
    • Yeah I do them at the end of each excercise or session, just as an extra.lnu
    • For all excercises - I warm up by starting with low or no weight on the bar and work my way up, 5 reps and 10 kg each step, checking form as I go along.lnu
    • recup times vary by people but aren't at risk of burning your muscles out with so much squatting? I imagine its taking its toll on your back.zarkonite
    • I don't think you'd have back issues if you followed this routine to the T. By the time you get to big weight, your core should be solid theoretically?dorkKn1ght
    • nah, your leg muscles will grow much faster than your back if you don't specifically target it. Plus your back muscles are tiny so require more work to keep up.zarkonite
    • I'd put some dumbbell presses in there, to even out the back work he's doing in his lats and then mix that up with some smith machine bench presses becausezarkonite
    • it's hard to lift heavy with dumbbells (although it's A++ for recruiting all your stabilizing muscles).zarkonite

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